

Al-Masud, MA:
Generation of Realistic Synthetic Electronic Health Records Using Large Language Model.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Anand, Astha:
An Expert Answering System for Pest Control Decisions.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Ay, Mehmet:
PDataViewer: Investigation of Parkinson's Disease Landscape and Enabling Semantic Data Harmonization Through Language Models.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Bhat, Avani:
Development and Implementation of Auto-Curation Strategies for Indication-Wide Knowledge Graphs.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Blanke, Felix:
Wavelets for diffusion models.
Universität Bonn, 2024

Breitinger, Ben:
Transformers for time-series forecasting.
Universität Bonn, 2024

Brundan, Joseph:
An examination of topological loss functions and their applications in autoencoders.
Universität Bonn, 2024

Er, Deniz:
Enhancing the Understanding of Human Brain Pharmacome: Predicting Biological Causal Interactions Using Link Prediction Methods.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Gerischer, Konrad:
Explorative Immune Cell Population Differentiation Analysis in Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Health Individuals.
Hochschule Koblenz, 2024

Kazakoglu, Umut:
Knowledge Graph-Powered Multi-Omics Dataset Search.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Komisarczyk, Mieszko:
Investigation on neural stochastic differential equations.
Universität Bonn, 2024

Krishnan, Aparna:
Strategies for Rapid Semi-Automated Generation of Indication-Wide Biomedical Data Landscapes.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Lyczek, Katarzyna:
Physics-informed graph neural networks for the power flow problem.
Universität Bonn, 2024

Nageswaran, Neha:
Exploring Artificial Intelligence Methods for Gait Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease Patients.
Hochschule Hof, 2024

Odeh, Joud:
Development of Sleep Models for the Early Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2024

Von Arnim, Georg Philip:
Personalized drug recommendation with pretrained GNNs on a large biomedical knowledge graph.
Freie Universität Berlin, 2024

Weiß, Anne:
Learning dynamics from sampling.
Universität Bonn, 2024


Abdelbaky, Aya:
Graph Neural Networks for disease diagnosis prediction.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2023

Al Soulaiman, Eyad:
Entwicklung einer Mikrocontroller-basierten Plattform für »Predictive Maintenance« mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2023

Alallaf, Fayez:
Untersuchung von Datenarchitekturen für PKW-Bussysteme hinsichtlich Datenreduktion und Performance.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2023

Azadi, Navid:
Integration of Biomedical Knowledge Graph Embeddings into Transformer-Based Model Trained on Structured EHR Data.
Universität Bonn, 2023

Friederichs, Lars:
Examing solution diversity in reinforcement learning algorithms using time series analysis.
Universität Bonn, 2023

Kuznetsov, Sergei:
Application of Various Machine Learning Approaches for Solving the ODE Inverse Problem.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2023

Mahgoubd, Mohamed:
A Comparative Analysis of Federated Learning Frameworks for Medical Data.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2023

Meurer, Maximilian:
Optimierung der Makrogeometrie von Stirnradpaaren unter Berücksichtigung individueller Produktionsbedingungen.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2023

Muders, Henrik:
A new Concept for Controlling the Wire Tension during the Winding Process of Wire Grid Polarizers to improve the Grid Quality.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2023

Paetzold, Lena:
Evaluation of the stabilized Induced Dimension Reduction method using Algebraic Multigrid as the preconditioner.
Universität Bonn, 2023

Potocki, Oliver:
Geometric learning for symmetric positive definite matrices.
Universität Bonn, 2023

Sainath, Srividhya:
Molecular stratification of Parkinson Disease.
Technische Universität Dresden, 2023

Schmieding, René:
Hybrid Mathematical-Epidemiological Models for Infectious Disease Dynamics.
Universität Bonn, 2023

Spelten, Philipp:
Simulation Data goes Ontology. Integrating VMAP-data into an ontology and accessing it using semantically represented processes.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2023

To, Jackrite:
Validation of gait parameters for prediction of Parkinson's disease progression.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2023

Wang, Danqi:
Development of an early alert model for pandemic situations.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2023

Wohlenberg, Johannes:
Generating German clinical text.
Universität Bonn, 2023

Zhang, Bide:
Comorbidity analysis of data from psychiatric disorder patients with polygenic risk score and potential causal effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Universität Bonn, 2023


Adams, Tim:
Evaluation and Visualisation of Synthetic Patient Data using Variational Autoencoder Modular Bayesian Networks.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Amin, Kriti:
Prediction of survival probability to cancer progression in melanoma patients using statistical and machine learning methods.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2022.

Badarinath, Deepak:
Deep reinforcement learning for energy asset optimization.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Baglan, Ömer:
Untersuchung eines Machine Learning Potentials und einer möglichen Erweiterung.
Hochschule Koblenz, Rhein-Ahr-Campus, 2022.

Baniabaz, Amina:
Deep-learning-based surrogate modeling for multiphysics applications.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.

Braun, Christina:
Ein hybrider KI-Ansatz zur Modellierung und Prognose von Inzidenzwerten der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland.
Hochschule Koblenz, Rhein Ahr Campus, 2022.

Breiden, Farah:
Parallel Finite Volume Particle Method for three dimensional free surfaces.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Elsweijer, Sandro:
Evaluation and generic application scenarios for curved hexahedral adaptive mesh refinement.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.

Gökay, Uzay H.:
Disease-Symptom Relation Extraction from Biomedical Textual Content.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2022.

Gunter, Sebastian:
Vergleichende Analyse von realen und virtuellen Testfahrten unter Berücksichtigung von Verkehrseinflüssen hinsichtlich Reproduzierbarkeit und Schädigung an Antriebsstrangbauteilen.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.

Held, Tobias:
Modellbildung, Simulation und Optimierung einer wasserstoffbetriebenen Autofähre unter Berücksichtigung von Alterungseffekten.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.

Keller, Marie:
Integration and Application of Quantitative Data in Knowledge Graphs.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2022.

Krendelsberger, Antonia:
Compressing the Combination Technique for continuous Functions.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Li, Zexin:
Modeling of Huntington Disease Trajectories with Artificial Intelligence Methods.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2022.

Nießing, Hendrik:
Logstream-Simulation zum Testen autonomer Planungssysteme.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.

Oerder, Rick:
Equivariant Machine Learning on Quantum Chemistry Data.
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2022.

Pfennig, Malte:
Modellierung und Simulation eines PEM-Elektrolyseurs der Megawattklasse.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.

Prinz, Thorsten:
Frage- und Antwortsystem für Dokumente mit Tabellen und deren Relationen in Life-Science-Publikationen.
Fern-Universität Hagen, 2022.

Rühl, Tom Benedikt:
Deep Hedging.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 2022.

Schmalenstroer, Lara:
Classification, Annotation and Mapping of tables in biomedical literature.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2022.

Schneider, Julian:
Generating synthetic data for a longitudinal, heterogeneous and incomplete dataset with direct dependencies across time points.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Schröder, Dennis:
Conditional Variational Autoencoders for Implied Volatility Surfaces.
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2022.

Sharafi, Ava:
Exploring the Potential of CNN Transfer Learning for Vehicle Crash Test Image Classification on CAE Data.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Sharma, Jayant:
Drug Repurposing & Adverse Event Prediction through EHR Knowledge Graph Completion.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2022.

Sidorovic, Mark:
Fluid Structure Interactions in PUMA.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Sundakampalayam Paramasivam, Chandrika:
Deep Learning based transient surrogate modeling of fluid-structure interactions in a sloshing tank digital twin.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.

Wegner, Philipp:
Detecting adverse drug reactions in social media texts with transformer models.
Universität Bonn, 2022.

Wuschke, Simon:
Experimentelle Optimierung von Verfahrensparametern für die additive Fertigung von Bauteilen aus thermoplastischem Elastomer und Vergleich mit vulkanisierten Prototypen.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2022.


Balabin, Helena:
Multimodal Transformers for Biomedical Text and Knowledge Graph Data.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Bareev-Rudy, Michael:
Untersuchung eines Power-to-Gas Simulationsmodells auf Stabilität und Geschwindigkeit.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Climaco, Paolo:
Koopman Operator Analysis.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

DeLong, Lauren:
Comparison and Evaluation of Network Representation Learning Methods for Adverse Drug Reaction Prediction in a Heterogeneous Graph.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2021.

Devagekar, Somesh:
Image Based Quality Control in Thermoplastic Composite Production using Deep Transfer Learning.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Figueiredo, Rebeca:
Large-scale investigation of transcriptomic signatures over multiple biological contexts.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2021.

Firouzi, Payam:
Automatic Fluid Edge Tracking in a Shaking Aquarium.
Universität Siegen, 2021.

Hentschel, Andreas:
Abgleich von Experiment und Simulation eines Lamellenventils bezüglich der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Jost, Tilman:
Simulation und Optimierung einer Batterie-Kühlung.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Kliemank, Martin:
Untersuchung der turbulenten Umströmung verschiedener Dachformen eines freistehenden Hauses mit der Lattice-Boltzmann-Methode.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Kollecker, Simon Hendrik:
Meshfree Mimetic Methods.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

Könemann, Daniel:
Experimentelle und simulative Analyse der mechanischen Eigenschaften eines Hybridbauteils aus umspritztem Organoblech zur Bewertung des 2K-Verbunds.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Krause, Rico:
The Limits of Deep Learning and How to Overcome Them With Respect to Reinforcement Learning.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

Ku, Cindy:
Evaluation of a Hybrid AI Strategy for Modeling and Predicting Disease Outcome of Pneumonia in ICU Patients.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

Lahoual, Hazem:
Probabilistic Machine Learning in Chemical Process Engineering.
Technische Universität Berlin, 2021.

Lordick, Thomas:
Data Science Approaches for ldentification of Genetic Impact on Cholesterol Levels in Parkinson's Disease.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2021.

Michels, Jannik Bastian:
A TDC based PUM for Kirchhoff shells.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

Ollech, Matthias:
Analysis of Neural Tangent Kernels.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

Rayya, Noura:
Exhaustive Search with MEDLINE on Knowledge Graphs for Correctness and Completeness.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2021.

Riske, Manuel:
Konzeptfindung und Untersuchung der Anwendung neuronaler Netze zur Modellreduktion am Beispiel eines hydraulischen Kupplungsaktivierungssystems.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Schäfer, Marius:
Entwicklung eines optimierten Stützlagerdesigns für leichte Nutzfahrzeuge hinsichtlich alternativer Werkstoffkonzepte und reduziertem Produktions- und Montageaufwand.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Schiffer, Barbara:
Modellierung und Simulation eines Blockheizkraftwerkes mit seinen einzelnen Komponenten in Matlab/Simulink mit anschließender Validierung durch reale Testfälle.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021.

Seidler, Uta:
Sparse grid methods for high-dimensional problems in uncertainty quantification.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

Surulinathan, Ram Kumar Ruppa:
Landscaping of COVID-19 Data for the Discovery of Insightful Patterns on Ethnicities – An Attempt.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2021.

Thakur, Shramana:
Modelling and Analysis of Automobile Simulations using Knowledge Graphs.
Universität Bonn, 2021

Waldorf, Konstantin:
Graph-convolutional neural networks for chemical applications.
Universität Bonn, 2021.

Yalchyk, Ilya:
Transfer learning on clinical Alzheimer’s disease cohort data.
Universität Bonn, B-IT, 2021.


Aborageh, Mohamed:
Machine learning classification of heterogeneous Alzheimer’s disease cohorts for prioritization of functional domains.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Bharadhwaj, Vinay Srinivas:
CLEP: A hybrid data- and knowledge-driven framework for generating patient representations.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Burchart, Yannick:
Kernels for topological analysis of sensor signals.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Chiara Llanos, Olmo:
Algebraic approaches for gas networks.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

English, Bradley William:
Coupling qualitative knowledge graphs, quantitative systems simulation, and scientific machine learning for in-silico pathology intervention predictions (QSEPs).
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Erlenbach, Lukas:
Active learning for Bayesian neural networks with Gaussian processes.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Gadiya, Yojana:
Mining of clinical case reports with NLP and deep neural networks.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Gilch, Alexandros Philipp:
Applications of higher-order quadrature methods to econometric models and estimators.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Gómez Freixa, Marc:
Neural ordinary differential equations for modeling and predicting Parkinson's disease progression.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Hines Chaves, Derrick Armando:
Multi-scale spectral-based deep graph convolution networks for molecular property.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Jäger, Sophia:
Entwicklung eines Simulationsmodells des Power-to-Wasserstoff-Kreislaufes für das HBRS-TRE3L Hydrogen Lab mit Matlab Simulink.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2020.

Kannan, Dinesh:
Deep neural networks and PIDE discretizations.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Kemper, Janis:
Causal inference with focus on dynamical systems and applications in machine learning.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Klingmann, Daniel:
Physics constrained deep learning.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Krix, Sophia Elisabeth:
Drug Repositioning using Relational Graph Convolutional Neural Networks on Heterogenous Knowledge Graph.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Li, Jing:
Wasserstein metric in deep learning.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Maczey, Pascal:
Entwicklung einer Posen-Vorhersage zur Steigerung der Reaktionsfähigkeit sicherheitsrelevanter Anwendungen bei Mensch-Roboter Kollaborationen.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2020.

Peitzmeier, Fabian:
Bewertung der Fahrdynamik und Optimierung von Dämpfercharakteristika für den Einsatz im Motorsport.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2020.

Peng, Chengyao:
CADA: network-based gene prioritization with phenotypic features.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Ram, Michael:
Entwicklung einer digitalen Regelung zur Produktionsüberwachung einer metallverarbeitenden Profilierungswalze.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2020.

Salimi, Yasamin:
Comparison of Alzheimer’s disease progression patterns across multiple cohort studies.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.

Schulz, Elena:
Transfer Learning zur Objekterkennung in der Formula Student Driverless.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2020.

Steffens, Angelina:
Efficient methods for handling missing data.
Universität Bonn, 2020.

Wendland, Philipp:
Generative artificial intelligence approaches for modeling of multimodal longitudinal clinical studies and simulation of virtual cohorts.
Hochschule Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus Remagen, 2020.

Zametica, Berina:
Establishing a robst pipeline for systematic analysis of rare variants from targeted resequencing data of large cohorts.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2020.


Aldisi, Rana:
Generation and Applications of Side Effect Embeddings in Biomedical Knowledge Discovery.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Birkenbihl, Colin:
Mapping out the Alzheimer's disease data landscape.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Brief, Victoria:
Experimentelle Validierung einer Simulation mit Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2019.

Camacho Melo, Adolfo:
Coupled Partition of Unity Simulations.
Universität Bonn, 2019.

Duitama González, Camila:
External validation and characterisation of cancer subtypes using SBC.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Hahner, Sara:
Analyzing and Predicting Simulation Results using Oriented Bounding Boxes and Recurrent Neural Networks.
Universität Bonn, 2019.

Höveler, Bernhard:
Tensortrain für Hamilton-Jacobi-Belllman.
Universität Bonn, 2019.

Humayun, Farah:
Modeling heme pathogenicity and pathway dysregulation in the context of hemolytic disorders.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Jimenez Recio, Pablo:
Numerical solution of variational inequalities with the Partition of Unity Method.
Universität Bonn, 2019.

Krockauer, Kilian:
Integration heterogener klinischer Routinedaten: Standardisierung von Patientendaten und Datenanalyse.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2019.

Langnickel, Lisa:
Multi-Task Learning using Neural Networks for Biomedical Text Mining.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Mazziotta, Chaira:
Die Verbesserung von Datenqualität mit Hilfe konditioneller funktioneller Abhängigkeiten.
Universität Bonn, 2019.

Mubeen, Sarah:
Harmonizing major pathway databases to compare and evaluate their consensus.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Pio de Lacerda, Mauricio:
GuiltyTargets Extension for Drug Repurposing with Phenome-wide Association Studies Data.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Rott, Fabian:
Molekulare Simulation von Ottokraftstoffen bei Variation des Ethanol-Gehalts.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2019.

Scheffler, Alexander:
Optimierung des Abscheidegrades von Stickoxiden eines Laborabluftwäschers .
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2019.

Schricker, Eric:
Verbesserungsheuristiken für die Tourenplanung mit Zeitfenstern (VRPTW) in Online-Szenarien.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2019.

Schultz, Bruce:
OrthoPath: Automated Generation of Human Biomedical Pathways from Ortholog Knowledge.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Stefan, Andreas:
Implementierung und Evaluierung eines Polyglot Persistence Entwurfs zum Speichern und Abfragen eines Knowledge Graphen.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2019.

Thurn, Christoph:
Numerische Methode zur Optimierung einer Lattice-Struktur im Rahmen einer Fahrzeugentwicklung .
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2019.

Troska, Lukas Maximilian Heinrich:
Nonlinear Solvers in PUMA.
Universität Bonn, 2019.

Villegas Segura, Juleana Lucia:
Persistent Homology for Triangulations and Digital Elevation Models.
Universität Bonn, 2019.

Xu, Lingling:
A Comparison of Learned and Engineered Features in Network-Based Drug Repositioning.
Universität Bonn / B-IT, 2019.

Zhang, Yuzhou:
Topological Data Analysis for Single Cell Data.
Universität Bonn, 2019.


Altay, Aybuge:
BNenrich: A Novel Method for the Estimation of Pathway Enrichment Scores by Integrating Partially Overlapping Multi-mics Data via Bayesian Networks.
University of Bonn / B-IT, 2018.

Antonyan, Lilit:
Identification of Shared Genetic Risk Loci and Risk Mechanism Associated with Different Psychiatric Disorders via GWAS Meta-analysis.
University of Bonn / B-IT, 2018.

Baldin, Anton:
Entwicklung eines nichtlinearen Lösers für stationäre Transportnetzwerkprobleme.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2018.

Beer, Lisa:
Visualization and Analysis of Single-Cell Data using Diffusion Maps.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Birner, Matthias:
Global-local Enrichments in the Patition of Unity Method.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Butcher, Ruby:
Secure web services for MpCCI FSIMapper solution.
CPE Lyon, 2018.

Dyck, Alex:
Subspace Identification and Koopman Theory for Modal Analysis of Linear Dynamical Systems.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Fischhuber, Karen:
An adaptive sparse grid approach for many-body systems.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Große, Tobias:
Anwendung der FE-basierten mathematischen Optimierung in der Auslegung von Fahrzeugteilen.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2018.

Grotenburg, Daniel:
Erweiterte Modellbildung und Simulation von Wärmetransporten im Blasformwerkzeug durch die Anwendung strömungsformabhängiger lokaler Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2018.

Hülsmann, Gösta:
Algebraische Mehrgitterverfahren zur Iterativen Berechnung von Schurkomplementen mit Anwendungen aus Elastizitätstheorie mit einer geringen Anzahl von Nebenbedingungen.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Japes, Bernhard:
Development of an Interface between the Energy Network Simulator MYNTS and the NoSQL-DBMS Cassandra.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Lewerenz, Julian:
Vergleich und Validierung von Simulationsmethoden zur Fluid-Struktur-Kopplung.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2018.

Lu, Mia:
Approximate Dynamic Programming applied to a wind energy storage problem.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Mahmoodi, Sina:
Decentralized Infrastructure for Versioned Linked Open Data and Scalable Curation Thereof.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Mangasaryan, Arsine:
Coupled Bulk Surface Problems in Parallel using PUMA.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Masny, Aliaksandr:
MozgViewer: Interactive multi-facet visualization application for neuroscience research.
University of Bonn / B-IT, 2018.

Mellmann, Julian:
Anomalieerkennung in Meßdaten.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Muslu, Özlem:
GuiltyTargets: Target Prioritization with Network Representation Learning.
University of Bonn / B-IT, 2018.

Olbrich, Tobias:
Machine Learning for Many-body Potentials with Moment Tensors.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Prast, Andreas:
Simulative Druckmessung in granularen Medien und dessen experimentelle Validierung.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2018.

Raschka, Tamara:
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Short Tandem Repeats in Next-Generation Sequencing Data.
Hochschule Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus Remagen, 2018.

Ruttscheidt, Steffen:
Adaptive Sparse Grids for Solving Continuous Time Heterogeneous Agent Models.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Sahay, Akrishta:
Development of longitudinal Bayesian Network Model for Parkinson´s Disease and Simulation of Virtual Cohort using Multi-Modal Data.
University of Bonn / B-IT, 2018.

Schäfer, Tobias:
Untersuchung der Einzugszone von Kunststoffextrudern mittels DEM Simulation.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2018.

Schwab, Florian:
Entwicklung einer Matlab-App zur Untersuchung des Transportverhaltens von Plastikpartikeln in bewegtem Fluid.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2018.

Segiet, Lukasz:
Hierarchical reduction in modeling of gas transport networks.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Sharma, Arunabh:
Data and Knowledge Driven Approaches in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
University of Bonn / B-IT, 2018.

Tesch, Tobias:
Invariant operator approach for the analysis of simulation bundles.
University of Bonn, 2018.

Wöhrle, Sven:
GIS-based modelling for Pareto optimal wind and solar park sites for self-supply of energy intensive industry.
University of Cologne, 2018.


Albrecht, Clelia:
Parallelization of Adaptive Gradient Augmented Level Set Methods.
University of  Bonn, 2017.

Blume, Christian:
Vorhersage des temperaturabhängigen Materialversagens von blasgeformten Kunststoffhohlkörpern unter Ausnutzung viskoelastischer Modellansätze.
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2017.

Cichon, Sandra:
Optimales Packen von Trapezen mit Anwendung in der Stahlindustrie.
University of Cologne, 2017.

Filep, Nóra Réka:
Paving The Way For Precision Medicine: Epilepsy Subgroup Identification Based On Shared Comorbidity Risk Factors And Pleiotropic Findings, Using Data Mining And DiseaseModeling Approaches.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2017.

Golriz Khatami, Sepehr:
Functional impact assessment of SNPs for interpreting neuroimaging features in the context of neurodegenerative disease.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2017.

Hoyt, Charles Tapley:
PyBEL: a Computational Framework for Biological Expression Language.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2017.

Khanna, Shashank:
Early AD Onset Prediction Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources and Model Interpretation via Bayesian Networks.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2017.

Ruland, Timm:
Quadrature Approximation for Feature Maps in Kernel Methods.
University of Bonn, 2017.

Schürg, Jannik:
Fast Approximation of Gaussian Processes.
University of Bonn, 2017.

Solowjow, Friedrich:
Event-triggered Learning.
University of Bonn, 2017.

Sood, Meemansa:
Development of a longitudinal model for Alzheimer’s disease to predict the trajectories of the biomarkers.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2017.

Suter, Robin:
Optimal Power Flow.
University of Bonn, 2017.

Wolff, Vanessa:
Kräftebasiertes Graph-Layout-Verfahren.
University of Bonn, 2017.


Dasch, L.:
Efficient Numerical Integration in Partition of Unity Methods on CAD Geometries.
University of Bonn, 2016.

Dhrangadhariya, A.:
Development of a novel prototype for systematic harvesting of drug to biomarker effect paths based on data integration and reasoning.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2016.

Elfgen, R.:
Molekulare Charakterisierung von ionischen Flüssigkeiten zur Eignung als Lösungsmittel für den Sauerstofftransport durch Porphyrin-Eisen-Komplexe.
University of Bonn, 2016.

Fernandez, D.D.:
Multimodal Mechanistic Signatures for Neurodegenerative Diseases (NeuroMMSig): a web server for mechanism enrichment.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2016.

Gemein, L.:
Erweiterung von Analysemethoden zur Bestimmung formabhängiger, mechanischer Werkstoffkennwerte beim Extrusionsblasformen.
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2016.

Haedecke, T.:
Ausnutzung des Zeit-Temperatur-Superpositionsprinzips zur prozessabhängigen Materialkennwertermittlung von Schub- und E-Modul beim Extrusionsblasformen.
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2016.

Höffer, A.:
Mehrkörpersimulation des dynamischen Verhaltens selbstspannender Wickelköpfe an einer Folienschneidmaschine.
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2016.

Kacwin, C.:
Realization of the Frolovcubature formula via orthogonal Chebyshev-Frolov lattices.
University of Bonn, 2016.

Klaar, C.:
A Partition of Unity Method for Quantum Mechanical Material Calculations.
University of Bonn, 2016.

Koch, M.D.:
Quasi-Newton Methods for Unstable Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interactions.
University of Bonn, 2016.

Krautter, J.:
An Explicit Method for Compressible Flow Simulation with Regards to Fluid-Motion Coupling .
University of Bonn, 2016.

Metzen, M.:
Gekoppelte Simulation zur Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion an Radkastenspoilern .
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2016.

Schwartz, A.-L.:
Optimized Sparse Grid Combination Technique for Eigenvalue Problems .
University of Bonn, 2016.

Singh, P.:
Towards Seamless Integration of graph based knowledge representation with primary data representing graph bel/rdf graph example .
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), University of Bonn, 2016.

Suhlmann, M.:
Kontaktwinkelmodellierung für mehrphasige Strömungssysteme mit Palabos .
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2016.

Velikov, V.:
Fast Sparse Pseudo-spectral Methods for High-dimensional Problems .
University of Bonn, 2016.


Bensalim, M.:
Voruntersuchungen zu gekoppelten Fluid-Struktur-Interaktionen im Frequenzbereich.

University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2015.

Cecutti, F.:
Airfoil FSI Optimization using a Coupled Fluent-Matlab Workflow in ModeFRONTIER.
Uni Trieste, Italy, 2015.

Irin, A.K.:
Strategies for the representation of epigenetics information using computational modelling in neurodegenerative diseases University Bonn, Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2015.

Khan, M.Z.:
Securing medical data inside Cloud using cloud4health as use case.
Universität Bonn, 2015.

Mathias, S.:
A kernel-based learning method for an efficient approximation of the high-dimensional Born-Oppenheimer potential energy hypersurface.

University Bonn, 2015.

Roggendorf, S.:
Model order reduction for linearized systems arising from the simulation of gas transportation networks.
University Bonn, 2015

Singh, G.:
Efficient Integration of Semantic Search, Document Retrieval, and Information Extraction in Life Sciences
Bonn, Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2015.


Behm, O.:
Shape optimization in incompressible Navier-Stokes flows.
University Bonn, 2014

Emon, M. A. E. K.:
Using drugs as molecular probes: enabling a "chemical biology" approach in molecular systems biology of the brain.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2014.

Hodapp, S.:
Wissenschaftliche Dokumente mit domänenspezifischen Inhalten: Entwicklung eines allgemeinen Modells für wissenschaftliche Dokumente umgesetzt als browserbasierter Editor.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2014. 

Karki, R.:
New roads towards understanding idiopathic diseases: comorbidity modeling and mining aimed at identifying mechanisms shared between Alzheimer's Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2014.

Pastuszka, N.:
A multilevel method for the global optimization of potential energy functions.
University Bonn, 2014.

Peuker, C.:
High-dimensional design optimization of wave energy converters with computational fluid dynamics.
University Bonn, 2014.

Puritipati, D. R.:
Semantic integration of data to answer complex research questions.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2014.

Salinas Soto, F. E.:
Development of algorithms and workflows to create and analyse disease specific protein-protein-interaction networks from public available databases.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2014.

Singh, G.:
Information extraction aiming to integrate document retrieval and analytical tools for application in life sciences.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2014.

Siramshetty, V. B.:
The human brain pharmacome RDF: a knowledge-based approach for in silico research on neurodegenerative diseases.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2014.


Bernard, M.:
Co-Simulation von Mehrkörper- und Strukturdynamik zur Analyse von Kraftfahrzeug-Aggregatelagersystemen.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2013.

Darms, J.:
Semantic web-based named entity recognition.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2013.

Hennicke, T.:
Numerische Fluid- und Strukturuntersuchungen an einer Radialgasturbine.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2013.

Iyappan, A.:
Robust biomarker selection on expression and textual data driven graphs using machine learning.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2013.

Kopelke, F.:
Selbständiges Erlernen einer Vier-gewinnt-Spielstrategie durch den NAO-Roboter unter Verwendung künstlicher neuronaler Netze.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2013.

Küllmer, K.:
Die Lattice-Boltzmann-Methode und deren Anwendung für Mehrphasensysteme.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2013.

Li, H.:
A dictionary-based strategy for automated recognition of pathway mentions in biomedical literature.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2013.

Mohebbi, P.:
Development and implementation of a secure gateway for processing clinical data in a health cloud.
Fachhochschule Köln, 2013.

Naz, M.:
Identification of genectic variants as candidate biomarker by using graph-based approach.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2013.

Poitasu, C.:
Design and implementation of a software infrastructure for relevance feedback applied to big data from simulations.
RWTH Aachen, 2013.

Shilaih, M.:
A workflow for the characterisation of similar ligand binding sites.
Bonn-Aachen International Center of Information Technology (B-IT), 2013.

Spenke, A.:
Entwicklung und Erstellung von Komponenten eines Prozesskonfigurators für Produktionslinien von Süßwaren.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2013.


Bagewadi, S.:
Mining of miRNA Relations in Biomedical Literature and Modeling of miRNA-dependent Regulation
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2012.

Schubert, L.:
Entwicklung und Implementierung von Partitionierungsstrategien für dünn besetzte Matrizen auf hybriden Systemen mit verteiltem Speicher.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2012.

Malhotra, A.:
Linking hypothesis patterns in text to disease molecular signatures.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2012.

Buschulte, K. P.:
Entwicklung einer Steuerung für Löser linearer Gleichungssysteme
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2012.

Jiali, W.:
A knowledge-based approach to analysing gene expression in specific brain regions and cell types.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2012.

Tom Kodamullil, A.:
Construction of computable models of Alzheimer’s disease representing Amyloid - ß biology and patho- physiology.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2012.

Bobic, T.:
A generic workflow for relation extraction in biomedical text using distant supervision.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2012.


Xuanshi, L.:
Dictionary-based named entity recognition and normalisation in Chinese biomedical publications.

Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2011.


Asadulina, A.:
A dictionary of chemical names and synonyms merged from different resources based on 2d graph representation for the purpose of recognition of chemical names in the text.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2010.

Gu, L.:
Analyzing human complex diseases by applying genome-wide association study, candidate approach, pathway-based approach and endophenotype analysis.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2010.

Tallam, A.:
Extraction of numerical measures, statistical evidences and units, their relation extraction with the text.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2010.


Gurulingappa, H.:
Concept-based semi-automatic extension of drug hierarchies.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2009.

Haupt, C. S.:
Markush structure reconstruction: a prototype for their reconstruction from image and text into a searchable, context sensitive grammar based extension of SMILES.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2009. Volltext.

Müller, B.:
Visualization and analysis of extracted information from full text and patent corpora.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2009.

Praveen, Paurush:
Computational modeling of host-pathogen protein interactions.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2009.

Sahadevan, Sudeep:
Adaptation of the mining environment SCAIView to the needs of animal scientists.
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2009. Volltext.

Weuffel, T.:
Vorbelegung und lose Reservierung von Ressourcen in lokalen Cluster-Umgebungen : Evaluation, Modellierung und Implementierung eines objektorientierten Cluster-Schedulers unter Berücksichtigung von Advance Reservation und loser Reservierung.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2009.


Thomas, Philippe:
Automated extraction of variation mentions from literature sources and mapping to a unique database identifier.
University of Tuebingen, 2008. Volltext.

Younesi, Erfan:
Analysis of molecular interaction networks associated with breast cancer tumour susceptibility.
University of Tuebingen, 2008. Volltext.


Faroughi, A.:
Integration von VO-Management Technologien in UNICORE.

Cologne University of Applied Sciences, 2007. Volltext.

Faroughi, R.:
Integration von VO-Management Technologien in UNICORE.

Cologne University of Applied Sciences, 2007. Volltext.

Gattermayer, T.:
Annotation and visualization system for knowledge discovery (SCAI View).
Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology, 2007.

Gündel, M.:
Work flow for microarrays (array process).

Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology, 2007.

Ou, C.-H.:
Extension of chemoCR
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Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology, 2007.

Shahid, M.:
Large scale virtual high throughput screening (vHTS) on an optical high speed testbed.

Bonn, Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), 2007.


Galunic, G.:
Parallelisierung des Galerkin Produkts im AMG Verfahren mit OpenMP.
University of Applied Siences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2006.


Faisal, A.:
Analysis of data transfer methods between non-matching meshes in multiphysics simulations.
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, 2005.

Horn, E.:
Generierung einer Ontologie für die Klassifikation von Docking-Tools.
University of Applied Sciences Bingen, 2005.

Vemula, R.:
Fluid structure interaction and thermal coupling in automobile engine exhaust manifold using Mesh Based Parallel Code Coupling Interface (MpCCI).

Ruhr-University-Bochum, 2005.

Wäldrich, O.:
Meta-Scheduling-Architekturen in komplexen Grid-Umgebungen

FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2005.