Fachpublikationen 2014

Publication Type
2014 3D incompressible two-phase flow benchmark computations for rising droplets
Adelsberger, J.; Esser, P.; Griebel, M.; Groß, S.; Klitz, M.; Rüttgers, A.
Conference Paper
2014 Annotated chemical patent corpus: A gold standard for text mining
Akhondi, S.A.; Klenner, A.G.; Tyrchan, C.; Manchala, A.K.; Boppana, K.; Lowe, D.; Zimmermann, M.; Jagarlapudi, S.A.R.P.; Sayle, R.; Kors, J.A.; Muresan, S.
Journal Article
2014 Expressing quality of service and protection using federation-level service level agreement
Blasi, Lorenzo; Jensen, Jens; Ziegler, Wolfgang
Conference Paper
2014 Focused ultrasonic therapy planning: Metamodeling, optimization, visualization
Clees, Tanja; Hornung, N.; Nikitin, I.; Nikitina, L.; Steffes-lai, D.; Klimenko, S.
Journal Article
2014 Molecular biomarkers in clinical development: What could we learn from the clinical trial registry?
Deyati, A.; Sanam, R.D.; Guggilla, S.R.; Pidugu, V.R.; Novac, N.
Journal Article
2014 BELIEF - a semiautomatic workflow for BEL network creation
Fluck, Juliane; Madan, Sumit; Ansari, Sam; Szostak, Justyna; Hoeng, Julia; Zimmermann, Marc; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Peitsch, Manuel C
Conference Paper
2014 Text mining for systems biology
Fluck, Juliane; Hofman-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2014 A linear solver based on algebraic multigrid and defect correction for the solution of adjoint RANS equations
Förster, M.; Pal, A.
Journal Article
2014 3D computational simulation of calcium leaching in cement matrices
Gaitero, J.J.; Dolado, J.S.; Neuen, C.; Heber, F.; Koenders, E.A.B.
Journal Article
2014 Maschinelle Lernverfahren zur effizienten und interaktiven Auswertung großer Mengen von CAE-Modellvarianten
Garcke, J.; Iza-Teran, R.
Conference Paper
2014 Adaptive Sparse Grids in Reinforcement Learning
Garcke, Jochen; Klompmaker, Irene
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Importance Weighted Inductive Transfer Learning for Regression
Garcke, Jochen; Vanck, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 On the convergence of the combination technique
Griebel, M.; Harbrecht, H.
Conference Paper
2014 A sparse grid based generative topographic mapping for the dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data
Griebel, M.; Hullmann, A.
Conference Paper
2014 A bond order dissection ANOVA approach for efficient electronic structure calculations
Griebel, M.; Hamaekers, J.; Heber, F.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Simulation of droplet impact with dynamic contact angle boundary conditions
Griebel, M.; Klitz, M.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Multiscale simulations of three-dimensional viscoelastic flows in a square-square contraction
Griebel, M.; Rüttgers, A.
Journal Article
2014 Dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data with a nonLinear principal component aligned generative topographic mapping
Griebel, M.; Hullmann, A.
Journal Article
2014 On a multilevel preconditioner and its condition numbers for the discretized Laplacian on full and sparse grids in higher dimensions
Griebel, M.; Hullmann, A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Simulation of dilute polymeric fluids in a three-dimensional contraction using a multiscale FENE model
Griebel, M.; Rüttgers, A.
Conference Paper
2014 Fast discrete fourier transform on generalized sparse grids
Griebel, M.; Hamaekers, J.
Conference Paper
2014 SIMDATA-NL - Nichtlineare Charakterisierung und Analyse von FEM-Simulationsergebnissen für Autobauteile und Crash-Tests
Griebel, Michael; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Czado, Claudia; Garcke, Jochen; Trottenberg, Ulrich; Thole, Clemens-August; Bohn, Bastian; Iza-Teran, Rodrigo; Paprotny, Alexander; Peherstorfer, Benjamin; Schepsmeier, Ulf
2014 Approximation of bi-variate functions: Singular value decomposition versus sparse grids
Griebel, Michael; Harbrecht, Helmut
Journal Article
2014 Dimension-adaptive sparse grid quadrature for integrals with boundary singularities
Griebel, Michael; Oettershagen, Jens
Conference Paper
2014 Preconditioning for efficiently applying algebraic multigrid in fully implicit reservoir simulations
Gries, S.; Stüben, K.; Brown, G.L.; Chen, D.; Collins, D.A.
Journal Article
2014 Model order reduction of differential algebraic equations arising from the simulation of gas transport networks
Grundel, Sara; Jansen, Lennart; Hornung, Nils; Clees, Tanja; Tischendorf, Caren; Benner, Peter
Conference Paper
2014 A new optimization phase for scientific workflow management systems
Holl, S.; Zimmermann, O.; Palmblad, M.; Mohammed, Y.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2014 Rational design and development of novel multi-target inhibitors for influenza virus
Ishitsubo, E.; Hosozawa, T.; Igarashi, M.; Kirshner, K.N.; Sriwilaijaroen, N.; Yokoe, H.; Tubuki, M.; Suzuki, Y.; Tokiwa, H.
Journal Article
2014 NeuroRDF: Semantic data integration strategies for modeling neurodegenerative diseases
Iyappan, Anandhi; Bagewadi, Shweta; Page, Matthew; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Senger, Philipp
Conference Paper
2014 Data Analytics for Simulation Repositories in Industry
Iza-Teran, R.; Garcke, J.
Conference Paper
2014 A one-time stegosystem and applications to efficient covert communication
Kiayias, A.; Raekow, Y.; Russell, A.; Shashidhar, N.
Journal Article
2014 Successive global and local optimization techniques utilized to generate new accurate VLE force fields
Kramer, A.; Hülsmann, M.; Reith, Dirk
Conference Paper
2014 Automated parameterization of intermolecular pair potentials using global optimization techniques
Krämer, Andreas; Hülsmann, Marco; Köddermann, Thorsten; Reith, Dirk
Journal Article
2014 Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction in the design process for a new axial hydraulic pump
Landvogt, B.; Osiecki, L.; Patrosz, P.; Zawistowski, T.; Zylinski, B.
Journal Article
2014 ADO: A disease ontology representing the domain knowledge specific to Alzheimer's disease
Malhotra, A.; Younesi, E.; Gündel, M.; Müller, B.; Heneka, M.T.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2014 Linking hypothetical knowledge patterns to disease molecular signatures for biomarker discovery in Alzheimer's disease
Malhotra, Ashutosh; Younesi, Erfan; Bagewadi, Shweta; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2014 EXAHD: An exa-scalable two-level sparse grid approach for higher-dimensional problems in plasma physics and beyond
Pflüger, Dirk; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; Griebel, Michael; Jenko, Frank; Dannert, Tilman; Heene, Mario; Kowitz, Christoph; Hinojosa, Alfredo Parra; Zaspel, Peter
Conference Paper
2014 Robust optimization for long running computer simulations with a focus on robustness measures
Rhein, B.; Clees, Tanja; Ruschitzka, M.
Conference Paper
2014 Robustness measures and numerical approximation of the cumulative density function of response surfaces
Rhein, B.; Clees, Tanja; Ruschitzka, M.
Journal Article
2014 Robuste Optimierung mit Quantilmaßen auf globalen Metamodellen
Rhein, Beate
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Eine effiziente Methodik für die robuste Optimierung bei der Bauteildimensionierung
Rhein, Beate; Ruschitzka, Margot; Clees, Tanja
Journal Article
2014 Synthesis, cytotoxicity and molecular modelling studies of new phenylcinnamide derivatives as potent inhibitors of cholinesterases
Saeed, A.; Mahesar, P.A.; Zaib, S.; Khan, M.S.; Matin, A.; Shahid, M.; Iqbal, J.
Journal Article
2014 Design, synthesis, molecular docking studies and in vitro screening of ethyl 4-(3-benzoylthioureido) benzoates as urease inhibitors
Saeed, A.; Khan, M.S.; Rafique, H.; Shahid, M.; Iqbal, J.
Journal Article
2014 Pathway based analysis of genes and interactions influencing porcine testis samples from boars with divergent androstenone content in back fat
Sahadevan, S.; Gunawan, A.; Tholen, E.; Große-Brinkhaus, C.; Tesfaye, D.; Schellander, K.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Cinar, M.U.; Uddin, M.J.
Journal Article
2014 A Moving Least Squares Approach to the Construction of Discontinuous Enrichment Functions
Schweitzer, M.A.; Wu, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Petri und wie er die Welt sah
Smith, E.
Journal Article
2014 Carl Adam Petri. Eine Biographie
Smith, Einar
2014 Entwicklung einer numerischen Methode zur Berücksichtigung stochastischer Effekte für die Crashsimulation von Punktschweißverbindungen
Sommer, S.; Steffes-lai, Daniela; Clees, Tanja
2014 Automatic parameter classification for dimension reduction as basis for robust parameter identification
Steffes-Lai, D.
Conference Paper
2014 Approximation methods for high dimensional simulation results - parameter sensitivity analysis and propagation of variations for process chains
Steffes-lai, Daniela
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Enabling the analysis of finite element simulation bundles
Teran, R.I.
Journal Article
2014 Structure-activity relationships of thiostrepton derivatives: implications for rational drug design
Wolf, Antje; Schoof, Sebastian; Baumann, Sascha; Arndt, Hans-Dieter; Kirschner, Karl N.
Journal Article
2014 A linear sparse systems solver (LSSS) applied to the Classification of integrable non-abelian laurent ODEs
Wolf, T.; Schrüfer, E.; Webster, K.
Journal Article
2014 CSEO - The Cigarette Smoke Exposure Ontology
Younesi, E.; Ansari, S.; Guendel, M.; Ahmadi, S.; Coggins, C.; Hoeng, J.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Peitsch, M.C.
Journal Article
2014 New aminobenzenesulfonamide-thiourea conjugates: Synthesis and carbonic anhydrase inhibition and docking studies
Zaib, S.; Saeed, A.; Stolte, K.; Flörke, U.; Shahid, M.; Iqbal, J.
Journal Article
2014 Implementing a "one-stop-shop" providing SMEs with integrated HPC simulation resources using Fortissimo resources
Ziegler, Wolfgang; D'Ippolito, Roberto; D'Auria, Massimo; Berends, Jochem; Nelissen, Maarten; Diaz, Ramon
Conference Paper
2014 Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models
2014 Sparse Grids and Applications
Conference Proceeding
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