Numerical Data-Driven Prediction

Support CAE simulation data analysis workflow
Software ModelCompare, SimCompare, and SimExplore – Design measure and event detection for car crash simulations made fast and easy.
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Support CAE simulation data analysis workflow
Software ModelCompare, SimCompare, and SimExplore – Design measure and event detection for car crash simulations made fast and easy.
Shorter time to solution with SAMG
The role and importance of numerical simulation for industry is immense. It is continually increasing, as computing-based simulation approaches enter an increasing number of industrial sectors, and become mission-critical components in industrial processes.
PackAssistant: Software for fast And optimal container load planning
Making the best use of container space can save both transportation and storage costs. One simply needs to find the right way to arrange the objects to be packed in the available container space. Experienced packing planners usually spend a lot of time meticulously arranging and packing parts with complex shapes but, nevertheless, in most cases they will not achieve the same packing density as realized with PackAssistant.
The PackAssistant software calculates the optimal packing arrangement of identical parts in standard containers by using 3D designs (CAD). This also works for parts with complex shapes, as the software will identify and take the individual shape of the object into account.
Optimized Cutting Layouts for Panel-Sizing Saws
The AutoPanelSizer software determines optimized cutting layouts for the production of rectangular parts from rectangular raw material and minimizes waste, production times and manufacturing costs. AutoPanelSizer generates layouts that can be produced with straight, continuous (guillotine) cuts. In case of interlinked plants, the maximum number of cutting stages is taken into account. Thereby, the software models a common cutting technology, applied in the machining of wood and also in the glass, metal, and plastics manufacturing industries.
Optimierung für Ressourcen- und Materialeffizienz
Fraunhofer SCAI entwickelt Optimierungssoftware für Ressourcen- und Materialeffizienz in Produktion und Logistik. Unsere Kernkompetenz umfasst dabei vielfältige Angebote zur Effizienzsteigerung
Optimierung & Simulation für Produktion, Logistik und Materialfluss
Fraunhofer SCAI realisiert die Modellierung und Simulation von Produktions und Logistikprozessen.
Wir unterstützen unsere Kunden bei der Steigerung ihrer Effizienz und beim Entwurf neuer Produktionssysteme. Mit Sensitivitätsanalysen untersuchen wir das Verhalten von Produktionssystemen in Extremsituationen und entwickeln gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden Alternativ- und Notfallstrategien.
Unsere Simulations- und Optimierungsleistungen konzentrieren sich auf die innerbetriebliche Logistik.
Computer-Aided Robust Design
We call a design robust if small changes in the initial conditions will only have minimal impact on the results. The robustness and quality of production processes and products suffer from variations occurring in a range of parameters relating to defining features such as material properties, process parameters, variations in geometry. Analyzing and controlling the effects of these variations helps in the identification of robust and optimal settings under realistic conditions.
Virtual Material Design
Many of the challenges of the 21st century – such as the development of new and improved energy systems, environmentally-friendly systems, and improved ICT technologies for health and mobility – will rely on the availability of a new generation of materials. That those materials can be designed and created depends on interdisciplinary research teams from science and application-oriented engineering producing new technologies in the areas of nanotechnology and material science.
Tremolo-X – Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Tremolo-X is a powerful software package used for the numerical simulation of interactions between atoms and molecules, the molecular dynamics. Tremolo-X provides the environment to design new innovative materials.
Download Tremolo-X [PDF, 1 MB]
Multiphysics solutions for the automotive industry
The MpCCI portfolio comprises a range of multiphysics interface solutions for co-simulation, integrated CAE workflows, digital twins, and accompanying CAE service solutions. The MpCCI interface software is a vendor-neutral solution for co-simulation and file-based data transfer. MpCCI supports a growing number of commercial and research simulation tools in different engineering disciplines.
Why Fluid-Structure-Interaction Models are so important to win the next Race
With Formula 1 being one of the most popular motorsports on the globe, there is always high pressure to provide excellent performance as a way to retain existing and attract new audiences. As the FIA regulations are quite clear-cut in terms of limitations leading to a close competition, engineers are digging for the smallest advantages. This leads to taking interactions of CFD with other physical effects into account to get a complete understanding of all effects involved. MpCCI CouplingEnvironment from Fraunhofer SCAI has been integrated into the design workflows of leading F1 teams and is successfully used to optimize the aerodynamic behavior of the car while taking the structural behavior into account.
Download Formula 1 [PDF, 1.3 MB]