Scientific Publications 2016

Publication Type
2016 Advancing a gateway infrastructure for wind turbine data analysis
Aguilera, Alvaro; Grunzke, Richard; Habich, Dirk; Luong, Johannes; Schollbach, Dirk; Markwardt, Ulf; Garcke, Jochen
Journal Article
2016 Crowdsourced estimation of cognitive decline and resilience in Alzheimer's disease
Allen, G.I.; Amoroso, N.; Anghel, C.; Balagurusamy, V.; Bare, C.J.; Beaton, D.; Bellotti, R.; Bennett, D.A.; Boehme, K.L.; Boutros, P.C.; Caberlotto, L.; Caloian, C.; Campbell, F.; Chaibub Neto, E.; Chang, Y.-C.; Chen, B.; Chen, C.-Y.; Chien, T.-Y.; Clark, T.; Das, S.; Davatzikos, C.; Deng, J.; Dillenberger, D.; Dobson, R.J.B.; Dong, Q.; Doshi, J.; Duma, D.; Errico, R.; Erus, G.; Everett, E.; Fardo, D.W.; Friend, S.H.; Fröhlich, H.; Gan, J.; St George-Hyslop, P.; Ghosh, S.S.; Glaab, E.; Green, R.C.; Guan, Y.; Hong, M.-Y.; Huang, C.; Hwang, J.; Ibrahim, J.; Inglese, P.; Iyappan, A.; Jiang, Q.; Katsumata, Y.; Kauwe, J.S.K.; Klein, A.; Kong, D.; Krause, R.; Lalonde, E.; Lauria, M.; Lee, E.; Lin, X.; Liu, Z.; Livingstone, J.; Logsdon, B.A.; Lovestone, S.; Ma, T.-W.; Malhotra, A.; Mangravite, L.M.; Maxwell, T.J.; Merrill, E.; Nagorski, J.; Namasivayam, A.; Narayan, M.; Naz, M.; Newhouse, S.J.; Norman, T.C.; Nurtdinov, R.N.; Oyang, Y.-J.; Pawitan, Y.; Peng, S.; Peters, M.A.; Piccolo, S.R.; Praveen, P.; Priami, C.; Sabelnykova, V.Y.; Senger, P.; Shen, X.; Simmons, A.; Sotiras, A.; Stolovitzky, G.; Tangaro, S.; Tateo, A.; Tung, Y.-A.; Tustison, N.J.; Varol, E.; Vradenburg, G.; Weiner, M.W.; Xiao, G.; Xie, L.; Xie, Y.; Xu, J.; Yang, H.; Zhan, X.; Zhou, Y.; Zhu, F.; Zhu, H.; Zhu, S.
Journal Article
2016 A multilevel approach to the evolutionary generation of polycrystalline structures
Barker, James; Bollerhey, Gregor; Hamaekers, Jan
Journal Article
2016 Coupled simulations of electric arcs for switching devices with MpCCI and ANSYS
Bayrasy, Pascal
Conference Paper
2016 A sparse grid based method for generative dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data
Bohn, Bastian; Garcke, Jochen; Griebel, Michael
Journal Article
2016 Use of computational fluid dynamics for optimization of cell-based in vitro methods in inhalation research
Brodbeck, C.; Wolf, K.; Ritter, D.; Knebel, J.
Journal Article
2016 A co-simulation approach to model the thermal behavior of automotive vehicles during dynamic driving cycles
Brodbeck, Carsten; Bayrasy, Pascal
Conference Paper
2016 Co-Simulationsmethoden für das thermische Management von Gesamtfahrzeugen bei Betrachtung dynamischer Fahrzyklen
Brodbeck, Carsten; Bayrasy, Pascal
Conference Paper
2016 A full three dimensional numerical simulation of the sediment transport and the scouring at a rectangular obstacle
Burkow, M.; Griebel, M.
Journal Article
2016 RBF-metamodel driven multi-objective optimization and its applications
Clees, Tanja; Hornung, Nils; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina, Lialia; Steffes-lai, Daniela
Journal Article
2016 A globally convergent method for generalized resistive systems and its application to stationary problems in gas transport networks
Clees, Tanja; Hornung, N.; Nikitin, I.; Nikitina, L.
Conference Paper
2016 MYNTS: Multi-phYsics NeTwork Simulator
Clees, Tanja; Cassirer, Kläre; Hornung, Nils; Klaassen, Bernhard; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina, Lialia; Suter, Robin; Torgovitskaia, Inna
Conference Paper
2016 Parameter studies for energy networks with examples from gas transport
Clees, Tanja
Conference Paper
2016 Bond-based peridynamics: A quantitative study of Mode I crack opening
Diehl, Patrick; Franzelin, Fabian; Pflüger, Dirk; Ganzenmüller, Georg C.
Journal Article
2016 Hyperbolic cross approximation in infinite dimensions
Dung, Dinh; Griebel, Michael
Journal Article
2016 Optimized atomistic force fields for aqueous solutions of Magnesium and Calcium Chloride
Elfgen, R.; Hülsmann, M.; Krämer, A.; Köddermann, T.; Kirschner, K.N.; Reith, Dirk
Journal Article
2016 Training and evaluation corpora for the extraction of causal relationships encoded in biological expression language (BEL)
Fluck, Juliane; Madan, Sumit; Ansari, Sam; Kodamullil, Alpha T.; Karki, Reagon; Rastegar-Mojarad, Majid; Catelett, Natalie L.; Hayes, William; Szostak, Justyna; Hoeng, Julia; Peitsch, Manuel C.
Journal Article
2016 Datenanalysemethoden zur Auswertung von Simulationsergebnissen im Crash und deren Abgleich mit dem Experiment
Garcke, J.; Iza-Teran, R.; Prabakaran, Nikhil
Conference Paper
2016 Preface
Garcke, J.; Pflüger, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Schwarz iterative methods: Infinite space splittings
Griebel, M.; Oswald, P.
Journal Article
2016 On tensor product approximation of analytic functions
Griebel, M.; Oettershagen, J.
Journal Article
2016 System-AMG approaches for industrial fully and adaptive implicit oil reservoir simulations
Gries, Sebastian
Doctoral Thesis
2016 Numerical aspects of model order reduction for gas transportation networks
Grundel, Sara; Hornung, Nils; Roggendorf, Sarah
Conference Paper
2016 Closing the performance gap with modern C++
Heller, Thomas; Kaiser, Hartmut; Diehl, Patrick; Fey, Dietmar; Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
Conference Paper
2016 Integration of UIMA text mining components into an event-based asynchronous microservice architecture
Hodapp, Sven; Madan, Sumit; Fluck, Juliane; Zimmermann, Marc
Conference Paper
2016 Shared genetic risk factors of intracranial, abdominal, and thoracic aneurysms
Hof, F.N.G. van't; Ruigrok, Y.M.; Lee, C.H.; Ripke, S.; Anderson, G.; Andrade, M. de; Baas, A.F.; Blankensteijn, J.D.; Böttinger, E.P.; Bown, M.J.; Broderick, J.; Bijlenga, P.; Carrell, D.S.; Crawford, D.C.; Crosslin, D.R.; Ebeling, C.; Eriksson, J.G.; Fornage, M.; Foroud, T.; Fraunberg, M. von und zu; Friedrich, C.M.; Gaál, E.I.; Gottesman, O.; Guo, D.C.; Harrison, S.C.; Hernesniemi, J.; Hofman, A.; Inoue, I.; Jääskeläinen, J.E.; Jones, G.T.; Kiemeney, L.A.L.M.; Kivisaari, R.; Ko, N.; Koskinen, S.; Kubo, M.; Kullo, I.J.; Kuivaniemi, H.; Kurki, M.I.; Laakso, A.; Lai, D.; Leal, S.M.; Lehto, H.; LeMaire, S.A.; Low, S.K.; Malinowski, J.; McCarty, C.A.; Milewicz, D.M.; Mosley, T.H.; Nakamura, Y.; Nakaoka, H.; Niemelä, M.; Pacheco, J.; Peissig, P.L.; Pera, J.; Rasmussen-Torvik, L.; Ritchie, M.D.; Rivadeneira, F.; Rij, A.M. van; Santos-Cortez, R.L.P.; Saratzis, A.; Slowik, A.; Takahashi, A.; Tromp, G.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Verma, S.S.; Vermeulen, S.H.; Wang, G.T.; Han, B.; Rinkel, G.J.E.; Bakker, P.I.W. de
Journal Article
2016 Optimizing molecular models through force-field parameterization via the efficient combination of modular program packages
Hülsmann, Marco; Kirschner, Karl N.; Krämer, Andreas; Heinrich, Doron D.; Krämer-Fuhrmann, Ottmar; Reith, Dirk
Conference Paper
2016 Towards a pathway inventory of the human brain for modeling disease mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration
Iyappan, A.; Gündel, M.; Shahid, M.; Wang, J.; Li, H.; Mevissen, H.-T.; Müller, B.; Fluck, J.; Jirsa, V.; Domide, L.; Younesi, E.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2016 NeuroRDF: Semantic integration of highly curated data to prioritize biomarker candidates in Alzheimer's disease
Iyappan, A.; Kawalia, S.B.; Raschka, T.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Senger, P.
Journal Article
2016 Advancements in data management and data mining approaches
Kalaitzopoulos, D.; Patel, K.; Younesi, E.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Optimizing molecular models through force-field parameterization
Kirschner, K.; Hülsmann, M.; Krämer, A.; Krämer-Fuhrmann, O.; Reith, Dirk
Journal Article
2016 Rotationally symmetric tilings with convex pentagons and hexagons
Klaassen, Bernhard
Journal Article
2016 Bringing systems simulations and 3D simulations together using FMI and MpCCI
Kleinert, J.; Wolf, K.; Meyer, C.; Clauß, C.; Hoffmann, K.; Grätz, U.
Conference Paper
2016 Using co-simulation to reduce the calculation time in vehicle dynamics
Kleinert, Jan; Wolf, Klaus; Christl, Johannes; Kunz, Stefan
Conference Paper
2016 StarWatch 2.0: RFI filter for SETI signals
Klimenko, S.; Nikitin, I.; Nikitina, L.; Konich, K.; Reinartz, K.; Tyul'Bashev, S.
Conference Paper
2016 Quasi-Newton methods for unstable partitioned fluid-structure interactions
Koch, Marcel
Master Thesis
2016 Quasi-Newton methods for unstable partitioned fluid-structure interactions
Koch, Marcel
Conference Paper
2016 Numerical optimisation of the pseudopotential-based lattice Boltzmann method
Küllmer, K.; Krämer, A.; Reith, Dirk; Joppich, W.; Foysi, H.
Journal Article
2016 Fluid-structure interaction simulation of racing car spoilers
Landvogt, Bettina
Conference Paper
2016 Comparison of acceleration techniques for selected low-level bioinformatics operations
Langenkämper, D.; Jakobi, T.; Feld, D.; Jelonek, L.; Goesmann, A.; Nattkemper, T.W.
Journal Article
2016 An efficient geosciences workflow on multi-core processors and GPUs: A case study for aerosol optical depth retrieval from MODIS satellite data
Liu, Jia; Feld, Dustin; Xue, Yong; Garcke, Jochen; Soddemann, Thomas; Pan, Peiyuan
Journal Article
2016 The BEL information extraction workflow (BELIEF): Evaluation in the BioCreative V BEL and IAT track
Madan, Sumit; Hodapp, Sven; Senger, Philipp; Ansari, Sam; Szostak, Justyna; Hoeng, Julia; Peitsch, Manuel; Fluck, Juliane
Journal Article
2016 Reasoning over genetic variance information in cause-and-effect models of neurodegenerative diseases
Naz, Mufassra; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2016 Einsatz von Highspeed-Projektionsverfahren zur Bewegungs- und Deformationsanalyse von Sicherheitsversuchen
Raguse, Karsten; Lutzke, Peter; Oeckerath, André
Conference Paper
2016 BioCreative V track 4: A shared task for the extraction of causal network information using the Biological Expression Language
Rinaldi, Fabio; Ellendorff, Tilia Renate; Madan, Sumit; Clematide, Simon; Lek, Adrian van der; Mevissen, Theo; Fluck, Juliane
Journal Article
2016 Computer simulations suggest direct and stable tip to tip interaction between the outer membrane channel TolC and the isolated docking domain of the multidrug RND efflux transporter AcrB
Schmidt, Thomas H.; Raunest, Martin; Fischer, Nadine; Reith, Dirk; Kandt, Christian
Journal Article
2016 Decomposing and solving quasilinear second-order differential equations
Schwarz, Fritz
Journal Article
2016 VarySched: A framework for variable scheduling in heterogeneous environments
Süß, Tim; Döring, Nils; Gad, Ramy; Nagel, Lars; Brinkmann, Andre; Feld, Dustin; Soddemann, Thomas; Lankes, Stefan
Conference Paper
2016 Impact of the scheduling strategy in heterogeneous systems that provide co-scheduling
Süß, Tim; Döring, Nils; Gad, Ramy; Nagel, Lars; Brinkmann, Andre; Feld, Dustin; Schricker, Eric; Soddemann, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 Overview of the interactive task in BioCreative V
Wang, Q.; Abdul, S.S.; Almeida, L.; Ananiadou, S.; Balderas-Martínez, Y.I.; Batista-Navarro, R.; Campos, D.; Chilton, L.; Chou, H.-J.; Contreras, G.; Cooper, L.; Dai, H.-J.; Ferrell, B.; Fluck, J.; Gama-Castro, S.; George, N.; Gkoutos, G.; Irin, A.K.; Jensen, L.J.; Jimenez, S.; Jue, T.R.; Keseler, I.; Madan, S.; Matos, S.; McQuilton, P.; Milacic, M.; Mort, M.; Natarajan, J.; Pafilis, E.; Pereira, E.; Rao, S.; Rinaldi, F.; Rothfels, K.; Salgado, D.; Silva, R.M.; Singh, O.; Stefancsik, R.; Su, C.-H.; Subramani, S.; Tadepally, H.D.; Tsaprouni, L.; Vasilevsky, N.; Wang, X.; Chatr-Aryamontri, A.; Laulederkind, S.J.F.; Matis-Mitchell, S.; McEntyre, J.; Orchard, S.; Pundir, S.; Rodriguez-Esteban, R.; Auken, K. van; Lu, Z.; Schaeffer, M.; Wu, C.H.; Hirschman, L.; Arighi, C.N.
Journal Article
2016 Simulation of flow and electro-magnetic induced vibrations
Wirth, Nadja
Conference Paper
2016 Applications of MpCCI-based fluid/structure interactions coupling to a vibrational and a rotational blades
Yang, Yang; Liou, William W.; Bayrasy, Pascal
Conference Paper
2016 Cloud standards
Ziegler, Wolfgang; Edmonds, Andy; Metsch, Thijs; Richardson, Alexis; Harsh, Piyush; Kershaw, Philip; Sill, Alan; Carlson, Mark A.; Heneveld, Alex; Atonescu, Alexandru-Florian; Bohnert, Thomas Michael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Leveraging use of software-license-protected applications in Clouds
Ziegler, Wolfgang; Rasheed, Hassan; Catewicz, Karl
Conference Paper
2016 Survey of the cloud computing standards landscape 2015
Ziegler, Wolfgang; Becker, Bernd; Darmois, Emmanuel; Kingstedt, Anders; Grand, Olivier le; Schmitting, Peter
Conference Paper
2016 Sparse Grids and Applications - Stuttgart 2014
Conference Proceeding
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