Scientific Publications 2015

Publication Type
2015 Towards an industry data gateway: An integrated platform for the analysis of wind turbine data
Aguilera, A.; Grunzke, R.; Markwardt, U.; Schollbach, D.; Habich, D.; Garcke, J.
Conference Paper
2015 BioCreative V a new challenge in text mining for biocuration
Arighi, Cecilia N.; Chatraryamontri, Andrew; Kevin, Cohen B.; Comeau, Donald; Fluck, Juliane; Dogan, Rezarta Islamaj; Hirschman, Lynette; Kim, Sun; Krallinger, Martin; Leitner, Florian; Lu, Zhiyong; Oyarzabal, Julen; Rabal, Obdulia; Rinaldi, Fabio; Tudor, Catalina O.; Valencia, Alfonso; Wiegers, Thomas; Wilbur, John; Wu, Cathy H.
Conference Paper
2015 VERCE delivers a productive e-science environment for seismology research
Atkinson, M.; Carpene, M.; Casarotti, E.; Claus, S.; Filgueira, R.; Frank, A.; Galea, M.; Garth, T.; Gemünd, A.; Igel, H.; Klampanos, I.; Krause, A.; Krischer, L.; Leong, Siew Hoon; Magnoni, F.; Matser, J.; Michelini, A.; Rietbrock, A.; Schwichtenberg, H.; Spinuso, A.; Vilotte, J.-P.
Conference Paper
2015 Detecting miRNA mentions and relations in biomedical literature
Bagewadi, S.; Bobic, T.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Fluck, J.; Klinger, R.
Journal Article
2015 NeuroTransDB: Highly curated and structured transcriptomic metadata for neurodegenerative diseases
Bagewadi, Shweta; Adhikari, Subash; Dhrangadhariya, Anjani; Irin, Afroza Khanam; Ebeling, Christian; Namasivayam, Aishwarya Alex; Page, Matthew; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Senger, Philipp
Journal Article
2015 Parametric model order reduction with a small H2-error using radial basis functions
Benner, Peter; Grundel, Sara; Hornung, Nils
Journal Article
2015 Improvements of an air-liquid interface in-vitro testing method for inhalable compounds using CFD-methods
Brodbeck, C.; Ritter, D.; Knebel, J.
Conference Paper
2015 Towards a three-dimensional numerical simulation of fluvial geomorphological processes and the reconstruction of past events
Burkow, M.; Griebel, M.
Journal Article
2015 RBF-metamodel Driven Multiobjective Optimization and its Application in Focused Ultrasonic Therapy Planning
Clees, Tanja; Hornung, Nils; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina, Lialia; Steffes-Lai, Daniela
Conference Paper
2015 Where am I? A Fast Multidimensional Point Location Test and its Applications
Clees, Tanja; Huttemann, Martin; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina,Lialia; Steffes-Lai, Daniela
Conference Paper
2015 Quasi-Monte Carlo and RBF metamodeling for quantile estimation in river bed morphodynamics
Clees, Tanja; Nikitin, I.; Nikitina, L.; Pott, S.
Conference Paper
2015 Co-simulations of discrete and finite element codes
Dehning, C.; Bierwisch, C.; Kraft, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Systems approach for the selection of micro-RNAs as therapeutic biomarkers of anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody treatment in colorectal cancer
Deyati, Avisek; Bagewadi, Shweta; Senger, Philipp; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Novac, Natalia
Journal Article
2015 A finite element study on the effect of curvature on the reinforcement of matrices by randomly distributed and curved nanotubes
Diedrich, C.; Dijkstra, D.; Hamaekers, J.; Henninger, B.; Randrianarivony, M.
Journal Article
2015 Efficient Neighbor Search for Particle Methods on GPUs
Diehl, P.; Schweitzer, M.A.
Conference Paper
2015 Simulation of wave propagation and impact damage in brittle materials using peridynamics
Diehl, P.; Schweitzer, M.A.
Conference Paper
2015 Hardware-aware automatic code-transformation to support compilers in exploiting the multi-level parallel potential of modern CPUs
Feld, D.; Soddemann, T.; Jünger, Michael; Mallach, Sven
Conference Paper
2015 Data management and processing in toxicoinformatics - from chemical databases to automatic extraction of unstructured resources
Fluck, Juliane; Zimmermann, Marc
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Track 4 overview: Extraction of causal network information in biological expression language (BEL)
Fluck, Juliane; Madan, Sumit; Ellendorf, Tilia; Mevissen, Heinz-Theodor; Clematide, Simon; Lek, Adrian van der; Rinaldi, Fabio
Conference Paper
2015 Machine learning approaches for repositories of numerical simulation results
Garcke, J.; Iza Teran, R.
Conference Paper
2015 Optimal scaling parameters for sparse grid discretizations
Griebel, M.; Hullmann, A.; Oswald, P.
Journal Article
2015 Multiscale approximation and reproducing kernel Hilbert space methods
Griebel, M.; Rieger, C.; Zwicknagl, B.
Journal Article
2015 Status of system-AMG for reservoir simulation applications
Gries, Sebastian; Plum, Hans-Joachim
Conference Paper
2015 Computing highest-order divisors for a class of quasi-linear partial differential equations
Grigoriev, Dima; Schwarz, Fritz
Conference Paper
2015 Is dementia research ready for big data approaches?
Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2015 Towards the taxonomy of human disease. Editorial
Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Alarcon-Riquelme, M.E.; Chamberlain, C.; McHale, D.
2015 Bioinformatics mining and modeling methods for the identification of disease mechanisms in neurodegenerative disorders
Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Ball, Gordon; Gebel, Stephan; Bagewadi, Shweta; Bono, Bernard de; Schneider, Reinhard; Page, Matt; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Younesi, Erfan; Ebeling, Christian; Tegnér, Jesper; Canard, Luc
Journal Article
2015 Synthesis, characterization, hypoglycemic and aldose reductase inhibition activity of arylsulfonylspiro[fluorene-9,5-imidazolidine]-2',4'-diones
Iqbal, Z.; Hameed, S.; Ali, S.; Tehseen, Y.; Shahid, M.; Iqbal, J.
Journal Article
2015 Computational modelling approaches on epigenetic factors in neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases and their mechanistic analysis
Irin, Afroza Khanam; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Gündel, Michaela; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2015 Schaltbare, intelligente Tribosysteme mit minimalen Reibverlusten und maximaler Lebensdauer (SchmiRmaL)
Kailer, A.; Köddermann, T.; Dold, C.; Amann, T.; Schnackenberg, S.; Meier, S.
2015 Wolf2Pack: A scientific workflow and molecular database for force-field optimization
Kirschner, K.; Krämer-Fuhrmann, O.; Hülsmann, M.; Reith, Dirk
Journal Article
2015 Visualizing potential energy curves and conformations on ultra high-resolution display walls
Kirschner, Karl N.; Reith, Dirk; Jato, Oliver; Hinkenjann, André
Journal Article
2015 StarWatch: Radio Astronomical Monitoring in Virtual Environment
Klimenko, Stanislav; Nikitin, Igor; Malofeev, Valerie
Conference Paper
2015 Radio Astronomical Monitoring in Virtual Environment
Klimenko, Stanislav; Konich, Kira; Nikitin, Igor; Malofeev, Valery; Tyul'bashev, Sergey
Journal Article
2015 Computable cause-and-effect models of healthy and Alzheimer's disease states and their mechanistic differential analysis
Kodamullil, A.T.; Younesi, E.; Naz, M.; Bagewadi, S.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2015 Development and validation of a CAE chain for unidirectional fibre reinforced composite components
Kärger, L.; Bernath, A.; Fritz, F.; Galkin, S.; Magagnato, D.; Oeckerath, A.; Schön, A.; Henning, F.
Journal Article
2015 Multicore processors and graphics processing unit accelerators for parallel retrieval of aerosol optical depth from satellite data
Liu, Jia; Feld, Dustin; Xue, Yong; Garcke, Jochen; Soddemann, Thomas
Journal Article
2015 BELIEF dashboard - a web-based curation interface to support generation of BEL networks
Madan, Sumit; Hodapp, Sven; Fluck, Juliane
Conference Paper
2015 Exploring novel mechanistic insights in Alzheimer's disease by assessing reliability of protein interactions
Malhotra, A.; Younesi, E.; Sahadevan, S.; Zimmermann, J.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2015 Knowledge retrieval from PubMed abstracts and electronic medical records with the multiple sclerosis ontology
Malhotra, A.; Gündel, M.; Rajput, A.M.; Mevissen, H.T.; Saiz, A.; Pastor, X.; Lozano-Rubi, R.; Martinez-Lapsicina, E.H.; Zubizarreta, I.; Mueller, B.; Kotelnikova, E.; Toldo, L.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Villoslada, P.
Journal Article
2015 Be an engineer right from the start
Reith, Dirk; Bachmeier, C.; Groß, I.
Conference Paper
2015 Simulation of the oil storage process in the scopa of specialized bees
Rüttgers, A.; Griebel, M.; Pastrik, L.; Schmied, H.; Wittmann, D.; Scherrieble, A.; Dinkelmann, A.; Stegmaier, T.
Journal Article
2015 2-(Hetero(aryl)methylene)hydrazine-1-carbothioamides as potent urease inhibitors
Saeed, A.; Imran, A.; Channar, P.A.; Shahid, M.; Mahmood, W.; Iqbal, J.
Journal Article
2015 Identification of gene co-expression clusters in liver tissues from multiple porcine populations with high and low backfat androstenone phenotype
Sahadevan, S.; Tholen, E.; Grosse-Brinkhaus, C.; Schellander, K.; Tesfaye, D.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Cinar, M.U.; Gunawan, A.; Hölker, M.; Neuhoff, C.
Journal Article
2015 Multilevel Partition of Unity Method for Elliptic Problems with Strongly Discontinuous Coefficients
Schweitzer, M.A.
Conference Paper
2015 Numerical Integration of on-the-fly-computed Enrichment Functions in the PUM
Schweitzer, M.A.; Wu, S.
Conference Paper
2015 Dispersion Properties of the Partition of Unity Method and Explicit Dynamics
Schweitzer, M.A.; Ziegenhagel, A.
Conference Paper
2015 Quantifying the biological impact of active substances using causal network models
Sewer, A.; Martin, F.; Schlage, W.K.; Hoeng, J.; Peitsch, M.C.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Petri and how he saw the world
Smith, E.
Journal Article
2015 Carl Adam Petri. Life and Science
Smith, Einar
2015 Construction of biological networks from unstructured information based on a semi-automated curation workflow
Szostak, Justyna; Ansari, Sam; Madan, Sumit; Fluck, Juliane; Talikka, Marja; Iskandar, Anita; Leon, Hector de; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Peitsch, Manuel C.; Hoeng, Julia
Journal Article
2015 Interpretation of large scale biological data facilitated by curated causal biological network models
Szostak, Justyna; Ansari, Sam; Boue, Stephanie; Talikka, Marja; Fluck, Juliane; Peitsch, Manuel; Hoeng, Julia
Conference Paper
2015 Boosting translational research on Alzheimer's disease in Europe: The Innovative Medicine Initiative AD research platform
Vaudano, E.; Vannieuwenhuyse, B.; Geyten, S. van der; Lei, J. van der; Visser, P.J.; Streffer, J.; Ritchie, C.; McHale, D.; Lovestone, S.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Truyen, L.; Goldman, M.
Journal Article
2015 Overview of the interactive task in BioCreative V
Wang, Qinghua; Abdul, Shabbir Syed; Almeida, Lara; Ananiadou, Sophia; Balderas-Martínez, Yalbi Itzel; BatistaNavarro, Riza; Campos, David; Chilton, Lucy; Chou, Hui-Jou; Contreras, Gabriela; Cooper, Laurel; Dai, Hong-Jie; Fluck, Juliane; Gama, Socorro; Gkoutos, Georgios; Irin, Afroza Khanam; Jensen, Lars Juhl; Jimenez, Silvia; Jue, Toni Rose; Keseler, Ingrid; Madan, Sumit; Matos, Sérgio; McQuilton, Peter; Mort, Matthew; Natarajan, Jeyakumar; Pafilis, Evangelos; Pereira, Emiliano; Rao, Shruti; Rinaldi, Fabio; Salgado, David; Singh, Onkar; Stefancsik, Raymund; Su, Chu-Hsien; Subramani, Suresh; Tadepally, Hamsa Dhwani; Tsaprouni, Loukia; Vasilevsky, Nicole; Wang, Xiaodong; Chatr-aryamontri, Andrew; Laulederkind, Stan; Matis-Mitchell, Sherri; McEntyre, Johanna; Orchard, Sandra; Pundir, Sangya; Rodriguez-Esteban, Raul; Auken, Kimberly Van; Lu, Zhiyong; Schaeffer, Mary; Hirschman, Lynette; Arighi, Cecilia
Conference Paper
2015 Increasing data center energy efficiency via simulation and optimization of cooling circuits - a practical approach
Wilde, Torsten; Clees, Tanja; Shoukourian, Hayk; Hornung, Nils; Schnell, Michael; Torgovitskaia, Inna; Lluch Alvarez, Eric; Labrenz, Detlef; Schwichtenberg, Horst
Conference Paper
2015 Analysis of flow-induced vibrations in turbomachinery by mapping of complex fluid pressures
Wirth, Nadja; Oeckerath, Andre
Journal Article
2015 An integrated systems-based model for substantiation of health claims in functional food development
Younesi, E.; Ayseli, M.T.
Journal Article
2015 PDON: Parkinson's disease ontology for representation and modeling of the Parkinson's disease knowledge domain
Younesi, E.; Malhotra, A.; Gündel, M.; Scordis, P.; Kodamullil, A.T.; Page, M.; Müller, B.; Springstubbe, S.; Wüllner, U.; Scheller, D.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2015 Fraunhofer-Institut für Algorithmen und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen. Jahresbericht 2013/2014
Annual Report
2015 Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII
Conference Proceeding
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