


Prof. Dr. Holger Fröhlich


Research interests: machine learning & statistical data mining with application to precision medicine, systems medicine and drug discovery.


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Mohamed Aborageh


I joined Fraunhofer SCAI in October 2019 as a master’s student and I am currently doing my PhD. My current area of research is the use of machine learning methods for predicting disease progression in neurodegenerative diseases.

Projects: Real4Reg


Tim Adams


I’m a Computer Scientist that joined SCAI in late 2017. My main research focus is the development of applications for exploration, evaluation and visualization of data in the biomedical domain.


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Jonas Botz


I'm a physicist and joined Fraunhofer in 2022 as a PhD student. My current research interest lies in combining dynamic and mechanistic models (e.g. ODEs) with methods from machine learning to predict, analyze and model pandemics such as COVID-19.


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Jannis Guski


With a background in computer science, I am now doing my PhD exploring applications of machine learning in the biomedical domain. My current project is the development of a model to recommend options of non-pharmaceutical intervention in pandemic situations.

Projects: COMMUTE


Sophia Krix


Coming from neurobiology, I am now using data science and machine learning to tackle biomedical problems. My current project involves drug repositioning using deep learning methods.


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Manuel Lentzen


I am a quantitative biologist and joined Fraunhofer SCAI in 2020 as a PhD. student. My research focuses on the generation and application of pre-trained language models for German text data from the clinical domain.

Projects: Real4Reg

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Sumit Madan


I'm a senior data scientist/project manager, passionate about pursuing healthcare and life science scientific challenges that improve the understanding of human biology and diseases. My research focuses on developing AI methods to extract relevant biomedical interactions/relationships from unstructured data (e.g., scientific literature, clinical notes, and protein sequences).

Projects: IDERHA

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Dr. Sobhan Moazemi


With a background in data science and medical AI, I joined Fraunhofer SCAI as a Senior Postdoc Biomedical Data Scientist in October 2023. My research mainly contributed to the applications of AI and ML in personalized medicine. In my current role, I am responsible for project management and conducting applied research in generative AI and synthetic health data.

Projects: IDERHA


Dr. Shammi More


I joined the group as a post-doctoral researcher in 2024, driven by a passion for applying AI methods in healthcare to advance our understanding of human biology and disease. My current research focuses on developing AI models for individualized predictions and disease prognoses, aiming to enhance decision support and personalized patient care.



Sabyasachi Patajoshi


I am a computer scientist by formal training; broadly, my interests lie in recognizing and deciphering patterns in the sequence and structure of proteins, small molecules and interactions between them. My research at SCAI focuses on the development of deep learning methods for solving problems in the area of targeted protein degradation.


Tamara Raschka


I am an applied mathematician working in Fraunhofer since 2015, currently doing my PhD. My research focuses mainly on the application of machine learning algorithms to gene expression data and its possibilities for precision medicine.

Zentrum für Maschinelles Lernen, DIGIPD

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Sebastian Schwick


I am a mathematician and joined Fraunhofer SCAI in 2024 as a PhD student. My research focuses on developing generative AI models for the personalized prediction and simulation of patient trajectories as part of a digital twin.



Diego Valderrama


I am a biomedical engineer and joined Fraunhofer SCAI in June 2022 as a PhD student. My current research focuses on hybrid AI models to combine machine learning and pharmacological models to predict and analyze the effect of biomedical variables on patients' behavior for clinical studies.

Scientific Machine Learning, SYNTHIA

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Bachelor & Master Students


Lennart Carsten-Behrens


Johanna Driever

I joined Fraunhofer SCAI in October 2022 for my computer science bachelor thesis, here I fine-tuned a BERT model using structured EHR data to predict Parkinson's disease. After completing my bachelor thesis, I continued working on the project. Currently, I’m pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Bonn.


Thomas Gerlach


Neha Nageswaran

I am an AI enthusiast and master's student in AI & Robotics from Hof University. I am working at Fraunhofer SCAI for my master's thesis. I am looking into the development of a digitalized version of UPDRS motor score using different neural network architectures.


Steffen Thiel