Carbon Nanotube Composites

Copyright: Fraunhofer SCAI

  1. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. Molecular dynamics simulations of the mechanical properties of polyethylene-carbon nanotube composites. In M. Rieth and W. Schommers, editors, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, volume 9, chapter 8, pages 409-454. American Scientific Publishers, 2006.
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  2. M. Griebel, J. Hamaekers, and R. Wildenhues. Molecular dynamics simulations of the influence of chemical cross-links on the elastic moduli of polymer-carbon nanotube composites. In J. Sanchez, editor, Proceedings 1st Nanoc-Workshop, LABEIN, Bilbao, Spain, 2005.
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  3. M. Griebel and J. Hamaekers. Molecular dynamics simulations of the elastic moduli of polymer-carbon nanotube composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193(17-20):1773-1788, 2004.
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  4. S. J. V. Frankland, A. Caglar, D. W. Brenner, and M. Griebel. Molecular simulation of the influence of chemical cross-links on the shear strength of carbon nanotube - polymer interfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106(12):3046-3048, 2002.
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  5. S. J. V. Frankland, A. Caglar, D. W. Brenner, and M. Griebel. Reinforcement mechanisms in polymer nanotube composites: Simulated non-bonded and cross-linked systems. In Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, 2000.
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